ARTL's DNC Mountain Protest
Personhood Campaign Guidelines
Sarah Palin's Pro-life Profile
Ann Coulter Hang-Ups on YouTube
Oppose Regulations Because...
ARTL offers $10,000 to Nat'l RTL
Not one pro-lifer on Supreme Court
PBA Ban: saves none, wasted years
Legacy of Judas: Response to Bopp
A Lack of Jurisprudence: AUL
The George Tiller Memorial
Abortion Vigilante Worksheet
Personhood debate on C-SPAN
Dr. Dobson Violates Pledge
WATCH: Focus on the Strategy!
ARTL: Time Magazine & NY Times
See Joe the Plumber telling the AP: "There's a gentleman named
Alan Keyes... I have no doubt he'd probably fix this country in two years."
Gifts to ARTLA help us spread the word!
American RTL Action
1535 Grant Street #303
Denver CO 80203
Romney Proved Pro-Choice:
Mitt Romney claims, "On every piece of legislation, I came down on the side of life." That is a lie. In April 2006 he signed the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Plan that pays for even elective abortions. Romney today falsely claims a 1981 court ruling about "medically necessary" abortions forced him to provide tax-funded elective abortion, showing he prioritizes socialized "health care" over protecting kids, even when that "health care" actually kills children. Romney gave a permanent seat on the Massachusetts health payment policy advisory board to the nation's leading abortionists at Planned Parenthood. Romney signed the 2005 bill that promotes chemical abortions with Plan B. As Governor he appointed openly pro-abortion Democrat Matt Nestor to a district court; and disputing a ruling from his own state health department Romney personally argued that pro-life hospitals must dispense abortifacients. Romney claims to have been personally pro-life for many years, but also claims a recent pro-life conversion on Nov. 9, 2004 while talking to Harvard researcher Douglas Melton about embryonic stem cells. However Mitt still openly supports killing the baby of a rapist, and killing the tiniest of humans for research. Dr. Melton has even disputed Romney's account of their conversation. "Pro-life" Romney even attended a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. In October 2005 Romney asked the federal government for a waiver for a major increase in funding for abortion "counseling" and for tax-funded abortifacients. During the years that Romney says he was personally pro-life he aggressively claimed to be second-to-none in asserting abortion as an essential right. And the Weekly Standard reports him telling the pro-abortion activists at NARAL, "you need someone like me in Washington.".....for more, and for links to document every claim here, see our full Romney press release ."